Scientific Understanding of Consciousness
Consciousness as an Emergent Property of Thalamocortical Activity

Convergence-Divergence Zones Architecture

(Damasio, Self Comes to Mind, 142)

Schematics of the convergence-divergence architecture

· Four hierarchical levels are depicted.

· The primary cortical level is shown in small rectangular boxes, and three levels of convergence-divergence (larger boxes) are marked CDZ 1, CDZ2, and CDR.

· Between CDZ levels and CDR levels (interrupted arrows), numerous intermediate CDZs are possible.

· Note that, throughout the network, every forward projection is reciprocated by a return projection (arrows).

Further discussion of convergence-divergence zones.

           Link to — Convergence-Divergence Zones

           Link to — Functionality Diagram of Convergence-Divergence Architecture


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