Dudai - Memory from A to Z 
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Dudai; Memory from A to Z 4 Acetylcholine -- a neurotransmitter at central synapses and at the vertebrate neuromuscular junction.
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 10 Amnesia -- loss or absence of memory. 6
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 12 Amygdala -- a heterogeneous collection of nuclei and cortical areas in the temporal lobe, considered to subserve emotional and social behavior, learning, and memory. 2
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 14 Anthropomorphism -- attribution of human attributes to a mythical creatures, and animate objects, or nonhuman organisms. 2
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 15 Aplysia -- a marine snail. 1
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 17 Artifact -- a phenomenon, process, or mechanism that does not normally exist in nature but is introduced by experimental manipulation of the system. 2
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 20 Associative learning -- the formation of new mental links among events. 3
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 22 Attention -- focusing on part of one's own sensory or cognitive space. 2
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 24 Behaviorism -- conceptual framework and the school of psychology that consider only overt behavior as a subject matter of scientific psychology. 2
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 26 Binding -- phenomenon or process and which representational elements fuse into a coherent internal representation. 2
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 27 Gestalt -- German for shape 1
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 27 Frequencies 30 to 70 Hz 0
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 27 Cognitive beat  20 -- 30 ms 0
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 34 Cerebellum -- brain organ at the rear of the brain overlying to brain stem, composed of the cortex and a core or white matter, which contains deep nuclei, interconnected with all major subdivisions of the central nervous system, and involved and sensorimotor and cognitive functions. 7
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 35 Diagram of cerebellum with thalamus. 1
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 36 Diagram of microscopic view of the cerebral cortex. 1
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 38 Cerebral cortex -- outer layer of the cerebral hemispheres of the brain. 2
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 44 Classical conditioning -- type of associative learning in which an animal learns that one stimulus predicts another. 6
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 54 Confabulation -- the making up of narratives and details, or the filling in the gaps in memory. 10
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 57 Conscious awareness -- mental state in which one experiences, notices, and is directly apprised of one's own percepts, memories, emotions, beliefs, thoughts, and actions. 3
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 59 Consolidation -- progressive post-acquisition stabilization of an engram. 2
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 65 CREB (cAMP-response element-binding protein) -- a type of protein that regulates the expression of genes, and fulfills a key role in neuronal plasticity. 6
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 73 Declarative memory -- conscious recollection of facts and episodes. 8
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 75 Delay task -- a task in which a delay is interposed between a stimulus and the opportunity to respond to it. 2
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 77 Dementia -- a chronic syndrome of heterogeneous aetiology characterized by multiple cognitive deficits that include severe memory impairment. 2
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 84 Dopamine -- a biogenic amine that functions as a neurotransmitter in the brain and a regulator of physiological activity in peripheral tissues. 7
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 85 It has been suggested that individuals who persistently seek novelty    owe this personality trait    to a certain genetically determined composition of subtypes of dopaminergic receptors. 1
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 91 Episodic memory -- conscious mental reenactment of personally experienced past events. 6
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 97 Fear conditioning -- a type of learning in which a stimulus or action becomes associated with fear. 6
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 108 Glutamate -- an amino acid that functions as the primary excitatory neurotransmitter in the vertebrate central nervous system. 11
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 110 Habit -- a behavioral routine capable of being formed and performed in the absence of conscious awareness. 2
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 112 Habituation -- gradual diminution of the response of a stimulus following the repeated presentation of the same or similar stimulus. 2
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 114 hippocampus 2
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 114 Major interconnections of the hippocampus with subcortical regions are mediated via the fornix. 0
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 125 Imprinting 11
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 127 Infantile amnesia -- infancy is not remembered.  Adults do not remember autobiographical episodes that occurred prior to the age of about three or four years. 2
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 133 Internal representation -- a map of event space in neuronal coding space. 6
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 136 Intracellular signal transduction cascades convey extracellular information from the cell membrane to the cytoplasm and the nucleus. (diagram) 3
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 146 Limbic system 10
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 148 Long term potentiation (LTP) 2
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 152 Map -- mental representation of physical or imaginary space. 4
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 153 Topographical map of sensory space (diagram) 1
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 174 Neurotransmitter 21
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 178 Noradrenaline belongs to a family of catecholamines; it is synthesized from dopamine in the brain. 4
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 178 Noradrenergic projections from the locus ceruleus in the mammalian brain. (diagram) 0
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 182 Ockham's razor 4
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 187 Percept -- short-lasting internal representation of an online sensory stimulus. 5
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 195 Phrenology map (diagram) 8
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 198 Plasticity 3
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 200 Priming 2
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 203 Protein kinase 3
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 206 Protein synthesis 3
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 210 Recall 4
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 212 Receptor 2
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 221 Retrieval 9
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 225 Sensitization 4
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 240 Synapse 15
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 241 Sherrington who introduced the term  'synapse' 1
Dudai; Memory from A to Z 249 Working memory 8