Gamma rhythm between entorhinal cortex and dentate gyrus


Science  02 Apr 2021:
Vol. 372, Issue 6537, eabf3119
DOI: 10.1126/science.abf3119

Gamma rhythm communication between entorhinal cortex and dentate gyrus neuronal assemblies

Antonio Fernández-Ruiz,

New York University Neuroscience Institute, New York University, New York, NY 10016, USA.

Department of Neuroscience, Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, USA.

Division of Neurosciences, University Pablo de Olavide, 41013 Seville, Spain.

Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-1083 Budapest, Szigony utca 43, Hungary.

János Szentágothai Doctoral School of Neurosciences, Semmelweis University, H-1085 Budapest, Üllői út 26, Hungary.

Department of Theoretical Physics, Complutense University, 28040 Madrid, Spain.

School of Experimental Sciences, University Francisco de Vitoria, 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, Spain.

Center for Neural Science, New York University, New York, NY 10016, USA.


Learning induces a dynamic reorganization of brain circuits but the neuronal mechanisms underlying this process are not well understood. Interregional gamma-frequency oscillations (~30 to 150 Hz) have been postulated as a mechanism to precisely coordinate upstream and downstream neuronal ensembles, for example, in the hippocampal system. The lateral (LEC) and medial (MEC) entorhinal cortex receive inputs from two distinct streams of cortical hierarchy (the “what” and the “where” pathways) and convey these neuronal messages to the hippocampus. However, the mechanisms by which such messages are packaged and integrated or segregated by hippocampal circuits had yet to be explored.

Neuronal assemblies firing within gamma time frames in an upstream region can most effectively discharge their downstream partners. This gamma-time-scale organization appears essential for physiological functions because manipulations that impair precision timing of spikes in the hippocampus often affect behavior. However, direct support for distinct gamma-frequency communication in appropriate behavioral situations is missing. To bring physiological operations closer to behavior, we designed “spatial” and “objectlearning tasks and examined the selective engagement of gamma-frequency communication between the MEC and LEC inputs and their target neuronal assemblies in the hippocampal dentate gyrus. We combined these correlational observations with optogenetic perturbation of gamma oscillations in LEC and MEC, respectively, to test their roles in pathway-specific neuronal communication and learning.

During spatial learning,    fast gamma (100 to 150 Hz) oscillations    synchronized MEC and dentate gyrus    and entrained predominantly granule cells.    During object learning,    slow gamma (30 to 50 Hz) oscillations    synchronized LEC and dentate gyrus    and preferentially recruited    mossy cells and CA3 pyramidal neurons,    suggesting task-specific routing    of MEC and LEC messages    in the form of gamma-cycle-spike packets    of selected cell types. The low- and high-frequency gamma sub-bands were dominant in the outer and middle third of the dentate molecular layer, respectively, and their amplitude maxima were locked to different phases of theta oscillations.

Gamma frequency optogenenetic perturbation of MEC and LEC led to learning impairments in a spatial and object learning task, respectively. In the same animals, the dentate layer–specific low- and high-frequency gamma sub-bands and spike-gamma LFP coupling were selectively reduced, coupled with deterioration of spatial and object-related firing of dentate neurons.

These findings demonstrate that distinct gamma-frequency-specific communication between MEC and LEC and hippocampal cell assemblies are critical for routing task-relevant information, and our selective gamma-band perturbation experiments suggest that they support specific aspects of learning. We hypothesize that sending neuronal messages by segregated gamma-frequency carriers allows a target “reader” area    to disambiguate convergent inputs. In general, these results demonstrate that specific projected gamma patterns    dynamically engage    functionally related cell assemblies    across brain regions in a task-specific manner.

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