Scientific Understanding of Consciousness
Consciousness as an Emergent Property of Thalamocortical Activity


Semantic priming is the process by which a second word is more promptly recognized if the first word is meaningfully related to it ("doctor" primes "nurse" and "cat" primes "dog") (Allan Hobson, Consciousness, 85)


Priming it is not just semantic, but also sensory and often emotional. (Allan Hobson, Consciousness, 87)


Semantic priming is the process whereby the activation of brain networks containing words like "fish" will simultaneously activate those containing related words like "boat" or "net."  Because it entails words and language, semantic priming is a key to understanding secondary consciousness.  How we speak and write is related to semantic priming because various parts of our lexicon are represented and become activated in large part unconsciously and automatically.  (Allan Hobson, Consciousness, 39)


Associative learning is a building block of memory and priming.  This mechanism of memory is judged to be shared by neuronal networks at all levels. (Allan Hobson, Consciousness, 88)


Priming leads to a reduction in local brain activity;    repeated exposure to the stimulus     increases the efficiency of neural processing. (Zeman; Consciousness, 284)



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